Friday, May 11, 2012


I have taken my Discover Scuba course with Wayne, a new friend here from Vancouver - a Master Diver.  I have been on a total of 3 dives - the deepest was 40 ft. for 48 mins.  Can't believe I've done it.  Needless to say, it's a very intimidating experience - you are in an environment that we human beings were not made for (hence - since you have no gills - trust your equipment!)  My other issue was the pressure on my ears.  On my first mini-dive I went too deep too fast and the pressure in my ears was painful, so "to the top we go".  Now take a deep breath and let's try this again.  I was definitely talking myself through this - "don't be afraid, keep breathing - you wuss!  You can do this!!"  Sinking slowly, holding my nose and blowing to equalize, blowing again until I became comfortable.  Falling slowly is the key so it may take a few minutes to get down, as it takes a few minutes to come up while decompressing naturally.  The three things you need to remember to do are:
1. Equalize, 2. Never come up faster than your own air bubbles, 3.  Breathe! -well, I CAN do that!

We dove a ship wreck that was intentionally sunk for purposes of diving entertainment.  Only 40 feet deep!   The ship is covered with corals, fans, and lush vegetation.  There is also a REAL wrecked DC-3 plane about 50 feet away.  We saw a huge grouper hiding out under the wing.  So on that dive - we got two wrecks for the price of one!  

Me, Paddy and Elly (yoga instructor/Wayne's wife) at the wreck.
Coral garden growing on the bow of the wreck.

Tiger grouper hiding under the wing of the DC-3!

I will be getting certified so I don't miss out on any of the amazing things in the sea!  There is a world down there full of surprises and beauty.

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